Best Diet for Colon Cancer, Bowel, Colorectal, Intestinal, and Rectal

The best diet for Colon cancer, Bowel cancer, Colorectal cancer, Intestinal cancer, and Rectal cancer patients consists of a high-fiber diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

  • Early morning drink @ 6:30 am: Lemon water with soaked chia seeds
  • Breakfast @ 9 am: Multigrain millet idly with sambar and ½ cup of diced muskmelon
  • Mid-morning meal @ 11 am: Apple-dates milkshake
  • Lunch @ 1 pm: Brown rice with fish curry and stir-fried veggies
  • Evening snack @ 4 pm: Soaked channa chat with onions, cucumber, and tomatoes
  • Dinner @ 7 pm: Roti with dal makhani and a glass of warm milk

Consult 19 years experienced Chief Nutritionist Vasanthi for expert advice and a personalized diet plan.

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Cancer Nutritionist Vasanthi

The best diet for Colon cancer, Bowel cancer, Colorectal cancer, Intestinal cancer, and Rectal cancer patients should be high in complex carbohydrates, and low in simple carbohydrates and refined foods. Red meats and processed meats high in saturated fats should be avoided completely.

  • The best diet for Colon Cancer patients involves antioxidant-rich foods that reduce damage caused by free radicals and reduces inflammation. Antioxidants delay the effects of cell damage in colon cancer patients.
  • The best diet for Bowel Cancer patients should be devoid of spicy and fried foods that irritate the bowels. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids aid in reducing the development of polyps and inflammation.
  • The best diet for Colorectal Cancer patients should contain more non-starchy vegetables and lean meats like deskinned chicken, turkey, eggs, and fish. Beans, legumes, whole grains, and nuts are part of the colorectal cancer diet. These foods provide a surplus amount of fiber that promotes digestion and relieves constipation.
  • The best diet for Intestinal Cancer patients should consist more of low-fat dairy, soy products, eggs, nut butter, fruits, and vegetables and be low in fast foods, sugary foods, processed meats, and saturated fats. The patients should also refrain from eating raw vegetables like onions, cabbage, and brussels sprouts that may irritate the intestine.
  • The best diet for Rectal Cancer patients should include high-fiber that can be obtained from fruits, vegetables, whole grains like oats, brown rice, and millet, good quality proteins from lean meats, pulses, legumes, eggs, and dairy products, and omega-3 fatty acids from seafood, and nuts. Healthy fats from olive oil, fish, peanut oil, sesame oil, and canola oil are best for rectal cancer patients.
  • The best diet to prevent Polyps consists of fruits, vegetables, whole foods, and foods from various food groups high in fiber. Fiber-rich foods maintain good colon health and prevent the risk of certain cancers. These foods hinder the formation of polyps which may further develop into cancerous cells if untreated. 

Consult 19 years experienced Chief Nutritionist Vasanthi for expert advice and a personalized diet plan.

Book your appointment, call us now.

In-person consultation at HSR, Koramangala, Bellandur, Haralur, Electronic City, and video consultation across India.

Table of Contents

Best Diet for Colon Cancer Patients

  • Early morning drink @ 6:30 am: Pomegranate juice
  • Breakfast @ 9 am: Oats pancakes with honey
  • Mid-morning meal @ 11 am: Carrot-onion soup
  • Lunch @ 1 pm: ½ cup rice with 1 chapati, kidney beans curry, and snake gourd sabzi
  • Evening snack @ 4 pm: Slow down smoothie
  • Dinner @ 7 pm: Mixed vegetable poha with boiled egg and low-fat milk

The best diet for colon cancer patients should consist of nutrient-dense foods that support your health and immune system. A high-calorie and protein-rich diet from healthy sources fulfill the nutritional needs of colon cancer patients.

Best Diet for Colon Cancer Patients

Some of the healthy cells are destroyed during chemotherapy and radiation therapy treatments. A balanced nutritious diet help in rebuilding the strength and formation of healthy tissues.

Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the colon part that is located at the end of the digestive tract. Colon cancer can affect people of all ages. The risk of colon cancer increases as age progresses.

Colon cancer begins with many cells combining to form clumps which are called Polyps. Mutations occur in the DNA of healthy cells. As the disease progresses, these polyps can develop into cancerous cells.

What are the 7 warning signs of colon cancer?

Seven warning signs of colon cancer are

  • The presence of blood in the stools
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Pain in the intestinal region
  • The feeling of not emptying the bowel
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss

Usually, colon cancer does not show any symptoms in the early stages and it can be only diagnosed through imaging or screening. In some cases, the symptoms may occur based on the severity of the cancer.

If colon cancer appears, the doctors may surgically remove the part affected with cancer or proceed with treatment like radiation therapy and immune treatments.

Colon cancer is curable when diagnosed during the early stages of cancer. Surgery and chemotherapy may help with recovery but the fourth stage has a survival rate of only 15%.

What are the 9 different stages of Colon Cancer?

Colon Cancer Stage 0

This is the beginning stage of colon cancer where the cancerous cells have not proliferated much beyond the mucosal layer which is the innermost layer of the colon.

Colon Cancer Stage 1

The cancer cells have spread from the mucosal layer to the next submucosal layer of the colon. The cells have not spread to the lymph nodes during this time.

Colon Cancer Stage 2

The disease progresses during this stage beyond the mucosal and submucosal layer of the colon. Stage 2 is further classified into 3 stages – 2A, 2B, and 2 C.

Colon Cancer Stage 2A

Colon cancer has found its way to the outermost layer of the colon but not to the lymph nodes or nearby organs.

Colon Cancer Stage 2B

The cancer cells have been fully grown to the outermost layer of the colon and visceral peritoneum membrane which holds the abdominal organs in place.

Colon Cancer Stage 2C

The cancer cells start proliferating from the colon to the nearby organs but not to the lymph nodes.

Colon Cancer Stage 3

Stage 3 is differentiated into 3 stages- 3A, 3B, and 3C.

Colon Cancer Stage 3A

The tumor has spread to the muscles surrounding the colon and the lymph nodes surrounding the muscles. The distant lymph nodes and organs are not affected during this stage.

Colon Cancer Stage 3B

The cancerous cells have proliferated in the outermost layer of the colon and the nearby organs and structures. 1-3 lymph nodes have been affected by cancerous cells.

Colon Cancer Stage 3C

The tumor cells are found in four or more lymph nodes beyond the muscles. However, the distant organs and cells stay unaffected.

Colon Cancer Stage 4

Stage 4 is the last stage of cancer where cancer spreads to some distant organs like the lungs, liver, or many lymph nodes in stage 4A. The cancer spreads to two or more distant organs but the peritoneum remains unaffected. Cancer has invaded the peritoneum in stage 4C.

Best Diet to Prevent Colon Cancer

The best diet to prevent colon cancer should consist of plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and healthy fats. Consumption of these foods has a direct correlation with decreased risk of colon cancer. Avoid the intake of highly processed foods, refined foods, sugary beverages, and red meats which increases the risk of colon cancer.

  • Early morning drink @ 6:30 am: Warm turmeric milk
  • Breakfast @ 9 am: Oats-spinach dosa with soaked almonds
  • Mid-morning meal @ 11 am: A bowl of fresh fruits
  • Lunch @ 1 pm: Grilled salmon with greens salad
  • Evening snack @ 4 pm: Methi-moong dal dhokla
  • Dinner @ 7 pm: Multigrain roti with tofu-corn curry

An active lifestyle and effective weight management reduce the risk of colon cancer. A healthy diet can help people recover from cancer’s early stages.

What are the best vegetables for colon cancer?

Fiber-rich vegetables help in maintaining a healthy colon and regulating bowel movements. The risk of colon cancer is found to be lowered by 10% with every 10 grams of fiber intake.
Vegetables like fresh leafy greens, onions, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, radish, turnips, carrots, beetroots, tomatoes, green beans, artichokes, and eggplant are some of the high-fiber foods beneficial for the prevention of colon cancer.
Obesity and being overweight are the major risk factors for colon cancer. A balanced and nutritious diet and regular physical exercises aid in effective weight control.

How do the antioxidants in fruits delay colon cancer?

The antioxidant property of fruits supports the prevention of colon cancer. Antioxidants delay the effects of cell damage which contributes to healthy cells and tissues. The fiber content of fruits promotes digestion and prevents constipation.
Fruits like apples, bananas, grapes, pomegranates, avocados, amla, apricots, lemons, mosambi, melons, and berries are good sources of antioxidants that protect your cells from oxidative damage. 

Do whole grains prevent colon cancer?

Whole grains provide a good source of vital nutrients and soluble fiber that maintains a healthy gut. The vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals obtained from whole grains provide numerous benefits for a healthy colon.
The risk of colon polyp growth is reduced with the intake of brown rice and millet once a week. 1 cup of brown rice provides 3.5 grams of fiber when compared to polished white rice. 30 grams of fiber should be the average daily intake of fiber which can be achieved by consuming whole grains, legumes, and pulses.

Is omega-3 good for colon cancer?

Fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel, and cod provide a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and possess anti-inflammatory properties which decrease the prevalence of colon cancer. Vitamin D deficiency also contributes to the risk of colon cancer. Fish like salmon contains ample amounts of vitamin D.

Does drinking water prevent colon cancer?

Proper hydration is essential for colon health. Soluble fiber combines with water to form a gel-like substance, making it easier for the stools to pass through the colon. Water also prevents unwanted cravings for unhealthy foods and helps in managing your appetite.

Best Foods to Fight Colon Cancer

The best foods to fight colon cancer are fresh green vegetables, fruits, whole grains, cold water fish, nuts, seeds, oats, low-fat dairy products, beans, and legumes.

Do non-starchy foods prevent colon cancer?

The basic rule to follow is to fill two-thirds of the plate with plant-based foods that provide a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Non-starchy vegetables can decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes which proves to be another risk factor for colon cancer. Include vegetables like leafy greens, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, bhindi, cucumbers, gourd vegetables, and spinach.

Are beans and legumes good for the colon?

Beans and legumes like soybeans, kidney beans, pinto beans, chickpeas, and lentils provide good sources of fiber, protein, and vitamins B and E. The consumption of beans and legumes aids in managing blood sugar and blood cholesterol levels.

What meats are good and bad for colon cancer?

Lean meats like skinless chicken, turkey, and eggs are excellent sources of proteins that support the growth of cells and tissues. Restriction of red meat is advised as these foods are high in saturated fats that increase the risk of colon cancer.

Are nuts and seeds good for your colon?

Nuts and seeds are high in fiber, healthy fats, and flavonoids that reduce the chances of colon cancer. Try to include two-three servings of nuts per week to avail the nutrients from them. Almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, and flaxseeds can be a great addition to your menu.

Is dairy good for colon cancer?

Dairy products supply the body with necessary calcium and vitamin D. Consumption of low-fat dairy products reduces the risk of colon cancer. However, too much calcium intake for men can increase the risk of prostate cancer when the calcium intake exceeds 2000 mg per day.

Is fish good for colon cancer?

The consumption of fish helps in reducing inflammation and the risk of colon cancer due to its omega-3 fatty acid content. A 33% reduction in the formation of colon polyps was observed in people who ate 3 servings of fish every week. Avoid deep frying the fish to refrain from the fat content of oils.
Salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna, anchovies, and mussels are some of the best fish for colon cancer patients. Avoid consuming raw shellfish as it may cause impaired immunity and hinder the effectiveness of the treatment.

Colon Cleansing Diet Before Colonoscopy

Colonoscopy is a procedure to diagnose the early stages of colon cancer before it spreads to other parts. Colonoscopy diagnoses and removes polyps and small growths that eventually transform into colon cancer.

To start with, preparing for a colonoscopy requires emptying the contents of the colon for a successful colonoscopy. Avoid high-fiber diets like whole foods, raw vegetables and fruits, nuts, seeds, and solid foods.

Stay on a liquid diet a day before your colonoscopy. Clear fruit juices, clear broth, black coffee/tea, and popsicles can be part of the diet to prepare your colon for the procedure.

A low-residue diet that digests easily and does not leave any residue in your digestive tract is advised. Consistent intake of liquids is needed throughout the day to avoid starvation.

  • Early morning drink: Warm water
  • Morning drink: Clear apple juice
  • Mid-morning drink: Black coffee/tea
  • Noon drink: Clear chicken broth with pulp-free lemon-mint popsicles
  • Mid-afternoon drink: Tender coconut water
  • Evening drink: Green tea
  • Night drink: Strained mutton bone broth

Colon Cancer Chemo Diet

A healthy diet is crucial for cancer patients during chemotherapy. Some people may experience nausea, vomiting sensation, loss of taste and appetite, diarrhea, and constipation as side effects of chemo treatment which can pose challenges in nutritional requirements during the treatment.

A nutritious diet during chemo treatment helps in maintaining a healthy weight and energy levels. Hydration is the key for patients under chemotherapy. They tend to get easily dehydrated during the treatment.

Healthy sources of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals are essential to improve health after chemo treatment. Act wisely to choose minimally processed and complex carbs instead of simple carbohydrates. The soluble fiber enhances the synthesis of short-chain fatty acids which is essential for improved metabolism and cell repair.

Dairy products, lean meats, eggs, fish, nuts, and nut butter can be great sources of protein to build up your cells and tissues.

  • Early morning drink @ 6:30 am: Amla juice
  • Breakfast @ 9 am: Whole wheat paneer sandwich with apple slices
  • Mid-morning meal @ 11 am: Omelet with low-fat cheese and veggies
  • Lunch @ 1 pm: Lemon garlic chicken with cucumber-broccoli salad
  • Evening snack @ 4 pm: Yogurt with cut fruits
  • Dinner @ 7 pm: Jowar palak appe with green chutney

Colon Cancer Diet Before Surgery

A person is advised to stay on a liquid diet for 12-24 hours with the avoidance of solid foods before the surgery. Clear fruit and vegetable juices (without pulp), clear soups, plain coffee, gelatin, clear popsicles, and foods that do not leave any residue.

Patients are not allowed to eat anything orally after midnight before the surgery. The colon and stomach should be clean and empty before the surgery. Any residue left behind in the colon can make the doctors reschedule the surgery.  

  • Early morning drink: Pulp-free orange juice
  • Morning drink: Strained carrot juice
  • Mid-morning drink: Clear vegetable soup
  • Noon drink: Orange-mint-infused water
  • Mid-afternoon drink: Clear chicken broth
  • Evening snack: Clear jelly and lemon tea
  • Night drink: Strained pear juice

Diet After Colon Cancer Resection

  • Early morning drink @ 6:30 am: Strained pineapple juice
  • Breakfast @ 9 am: Mashed avocado on a bread toast
  • Mid-morning meal @ 11 am: Mashed sweet potatoes with buttermilk
  • Lunch @ 1 pm: Soft-cooked white rice with mashed dal and carrots and a soft-boiled egg
  • Evening snack @ 4 pm: Banana-Apple pudding
  • Dinner @ 7 pm: Pasta with cheese and white sauce

Diet after colon cancer resection includes soft foods and juices that are easy to swallow and digest. Foods like soups, yogurt, and pudding are some of the allowed foods. Fried foods, spicy foods, meats high in fats, high-fiber foods, and foods that produce gas are strictly prohibited from the diet.

  • Eat smaller portions of soft-cooked foods at frequent intervals. Chew smaller portions of food well and swallow to promote better digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • Prevent chewing of bubble gum and avoid using straws for juices and liquids to prevent swallowing of air through the food pipe.
  • Blend foods to a tolerable consistency for the first few weeks after surgery.
  • Avoid gas-producing foods like lentils, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, beans, and corn after the surgery to avoid distention.
  • Refrain from consuming chewy foods like rotis and naan, raw fruits/vegetables, nuts, seeds, and greasy foods.

A person can return to their regular diet 2-6 weeks after the surgery. You may feel full when taking small quantities of solid food in the beginning but your body may get adapted within a few weeks.

Ensure proper hydration as some people may experience diarrhea which may lead to loss of fluids and electrolytes. Include fluids in the form of water, fruit juices, soups, infused water, and weak tea. Plain water can be boresome throughout the day, so try to drink other forms of liquids.

Include protein-rich sources like lean chicken, eggs, fish, and milk products once you are adaptable to solid foods which aid in the healing process post-surgery.

Diet to Prevent Colon Cancer Recurrence

Diet to prevent the recurrence of colon cancer must include healthy foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, high-protein, and healthy fats. Persons who led an active lifestyle with the intake of nutritious foods were found to prevent the recurrence of colon cancer.

Maintaining a healthy weight with the restrictions of processed foods and unhealthy fats lowers the risk of recurrence of colon cancer.

Healthy diet to prevent the recurrence of colon cancer

  • Add a range of green, red, and orange-colored fruits and vegetables into the diet to avail yourself of the fiber content.
  • Choose foods that provide a variety of nutrients that helps to maintain healthy body weight.
  • Avoid processed foods, red meats, sugary beverages, and high-spicy foods.
  • Act smart to choose whole grain foods instead of refined grains and sugars.

Book a consultation with our expert nutritionists to know your calorie intake and to cut down excess calories if you are overweight.

Physical activity for a fit lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle with unhealthy food choices can increase your risk of recurrence of colon cancer. Physical activity has numerous benefits for health. Set a goal, strive hard to reach the goal, and you will be fitter and healthier than before.

Colon Cancer Foods to Avoid

Balanced and nutritious foods are essential to maintain your colon health. Proper nutrition is important to avoid the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Some of the foods to avoid colon cancer are

Are processed foods linked to colon cancer?

Any meat that has been smoked, cured, salted, or canned is said to be processed. Hot dogs, salami, sausages, and ham are some of the processed meats to be avoided.
The chemicals used to process meats may emit carcinogens that may be harmful to your colon. Smoking meat can produce cancer-causing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

Does fried food cause colon cancer?

When high-starchy foods are deep fried in hot oil, it releases carcinogenic acrylamide. This compound is also released when refined foods are fried, baked, or roasted. Reheating the same oil many times also can prove to be carcinogenic. A 2020 study revealed that acrylamide can cause DNA damage, apoptosis, and cell death.
Consumption of more fried foods can put you at a high risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer. This increases oxidative stress and inflammation which are the main risk factors of colon cancer.

Can colon cancer patients eat sugars and refined carbohydrates?

Sugary foods and refined carbs can indirectly increase your risk for cancer. Some examples of these foods include sugar-sweetened beverages, baked goods, white pasta, white bread, white rice, and sugary cereals.
If you consume a lot of sugary, starchy meals, you may be more likely to become obese and acquire type 2 diabetes. Sugars displace the intake of nutrient-rich foods and put you at greater risk for developing cancers.
A high intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates may also lead to high blood glucose levels and may be another risk factor for colon cancer.

Best Diet for Colorectal Cancer Patients

The growth of abnormal cells in the colon or rectum which is found at the lower end of the digestive tract is colorectal cancer. It is characterized by the formation of non-cancerous polyps in its early stages. Colorectal cancer is mostly asymptomatic and can be diagnosed with ultrasound screenings.

  • Early morning drink @ 6:30 am: Ginger-turmeric tea
  • Breakfast @ 9 am: Steel-cut oats with low-fat milk and nuts
  • Mid-morning meal @ 11 am: Spinach mushroom soup
  • Lunch @ 1 pm: Roasted cauliflower and lentil tacos
  • Evening snack @ 4 pm: Grilled cottage cheese with lemongrass tea
  • Dinner @ 7 pm: Wholegrain rotis rolled with roasted carrots and chickpeas
Best Diet for Colorectal Cancer Patients

People over the age of 50 with unhealthy food habits and a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to colorectal cancer. Some warning signs can be indicated with the progression of the disease. Colorectal cancer can be sometimes hereditary and may be due to some other risk factors.

Colonoscopy is mostly used to detect the unusual growth of polyps in the colon and rectum. Colorectal cancer is often accompanied by narrow-ribbon-like stools, persistent abdominal pain, and unexplained weight loss. The appearance of blood in the stools should never be ignored.

Colorectal Cancer Dietary Recommendations

Colorectal cancer dietary recommendations include

  • Choose whole grains like oats, brown rice, and quinoa that are high in fiber and minerals like folate, magnesium, and iron.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants and vitamins which play a vital role in the prevention of oxidative stress and colorectal cancer.
  • Opt for lean meats like deskinned chicken, turkey, eggs, and fish.
  • Hydrate yourself with plenty of water. Water improves digestion and lessens negative effects like weariness and constipation. If you feel boresome with plain water, try infused waters with lemons, mint, and some fruits.
  • Eat small meals at frequent intervals to satiate your hunger. When coping with changes in appetite, this can make it simpler to receive all the nutrition you need. Smaller meals make it easier for the body to digest and make the nutrients available to the body.
  • Engage in moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes a day to improve your health conditions.

Best Food for Colorectal Cancer Patients

The best foods for colorectal cancer patients should consist of green vegetables, fresh fruits, low-fat dairy products, fish, nuts, seeds, and lean meats.

What are the best vegetables for colorectal cancer?

Vegetables are good sources of fiber that aid in the prevention of colorectal cancer. The fiber in vegetables supports digestion and boosts immunity. The vitamins and folate lower the risk of colorectal cancer. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and kale contain glucosinolate which possesses cancer-fighting effects.

Are fresh fruits good for colorectal cancer?

Fresh fruits contain plenty of antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber which serve as natural cleansers to keep your colon and rectum healthy.

Are sweet potatoes good for colorectal cancer?

Sweet potatoes contain phytosterols which fight against colorectal cancer and soothe constipation and irritable bowels. Sweet potatoes are good sources of dietary fiber, vitamins C, and E, beta-carotene, and manganese which support healthy bowel movement and the removal of toxins from the colon.

Are dairy products ok for colorectal cancer patients?

Dairy products are rich sources of protein, calcium, vitamins, and minerals. Probiotic foods like yogurt reduce the risk of colorectal cancers. Including curd in the diet helps in smooth bowel activity and prevents the formation of polyps and tumors in the colon and rectum.

What are the benefits of eating fish for colorectal cancer?

Fish are excellent sources of healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids and selenium. A study reveals that a 50gm daily consumption of fish reduced the risk of colorectal cancer by 4%. Fish like salmon, sardines, and tuna are some of the best fish for colorectal cancer.

What are the best nuts and seeds for colorectal cancer patients?

Nuts and seeds are rich sources of protein, fiber, and healthy fats that support digestion and increase your satiety. Nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, peanuts, and seeds like pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, and melon seeds support your colon health.

What type of meat is associated with the lowest risk of developing colorectal cancer?

Lean meats like chicken and turkey and fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, shrimp, and crab are best for the colon and rectum.

Foods That Increase the Risk of Colorectal Cancer

Foods that increase the risk of colorectal cancer are processed meats, red meats, refined foods, fried foods, and sugary beverages.

Is colorectal cancer linked to increased consumption of processed meats?

Processed meats are chemically treated and exposed to high temperatures. Meats emit carcinogenic substances when exposed to high heat. Processed meats like hot dogs, salami, sausages, bacon, and ham may be hazardous to human health particularly the colon and rectum if consumed frequently. The risk of colorectal cancer could be increased by 18% if you consume 50 grams of processed meats every day.

Is red meat safe to consume for colorectal cancer?

Red meats like lamb, goat, sheep, pork and veal contain good amounts of cholesterol and bad fats which may increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Swap your red meat with lean meats like chicken, turkey, duck, and fish that contain good amounts of protein and vitamins.

Do refined foods increase your risk of colorectal cancer?

Refined foods like white bread, white rice, pasta, noodles, and foods prepared using white flour spike your blood sugar levels which can lead to insulin resistance. This increases the risk of colorectal cancer and other cancers.
Processing removes the essential fiber from whole grains and healthy sources. Choose whole grains and millet for refined foods. Whole grains like oats, barley, brown rice, and quinoa increase your fiber intake and reduces the risk of colorectal cancer.

What are the side effects of fried foods on colorectal cancer patients?

Fried foods worsen your chemotherapy side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Fried foods are high in fat content that takes a long time to digest and may increase acid reflux which may disturb the normal functions of the colon and rectum. Fried foods may cause constipation and difficulty in emptying the bowel.

Do sugary beverages prove bad for your cancer?

Sugary beverages like sweetened fruit juices, sharbat, carbonated drinks, sodas, and flavored syrups drastically increase blood sugar levels and cause inflammation in the body which can lead to several cancers. Substitute water and low-sugar alternatives for sugary beverages to lower the risk of colorectal cancer.

Foods to Prevent Colorectal Cancer

Foods to prevent colorectal cancer are whole grains, beans, legumes, leafy greens, fresh fruits, fat-free dairy, and lean meats. Food choices play a vital role in preventing colorectal cancer. The right selection of foods, exercise, maintenance of a healthy weight, and keeping unhealthy foods at bay can cut off the risk factors of colorectal cancer.

Are whole grains the best choice for colorectal cancer?

Whole grains are packed with fiber and essential nutrients like potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. Fibers aid the smooth movement of stools in the colon and prevent the risk of obesity.
Eating 2-3 servings of whole grains decreases the risk of colorectal cancer. Whole grains also promote cardiovascular health and avoid the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Are beans and legumes beneficial for colorectal cancer?

Beans and legumes are excellent sources of fiber, proteins, and B vitamins. These foods contain flavonoids which control the growth of tumors and the antioxidant content lowers the risk of colorectal cancer. The phytochemicals protect the cells against free radical damage and slow down tumor growth.
Kidney beans, black beans, soy beans, chickpeas, pinto beans, and lentils are some of the foods that can be beneficial for colorectal cancer.

What leafy greens are best for the health of your colon and rectum?

Leafy greens like spinach, kale, lettuce, and cabbage lower the incidence of colorectal cancer. Leafy greens are high in fiber, folate, and magnesium which aids colon health. More fiber in the diet benefits several beneficial bacteria that live in the gut microbiome. Leafy greens cleanse the colon and protect your digestive system.

Are fruits the best way to stay away from colorectal cancer?

The antioxidant content of fruits delays cell damage and the fiber regulates bowel movements and maintains a healthy colon. Fruits are a delicious way to fight inflammation and block the growth of tumors. Fruits boost the immune system and protect you from colorectal cancer.

Can colorectal cancer patients consume dairy products?

Dairy products are effective in preventing colorectal cancer. Calcium in dairy products blocks the multiplication of cancer cells and helps in the termination of colorectal cancer cells. Yogurt nourishes the inner mucosal layer of the colon with its probiotic properties. Butyric acid found in dairy products induces differentiation in tumor cell lines.
Skimmed milk, fat-free yogurt, paneer, cheese (low-fat), and lassi are some of the dairy products that colorectal cancer patients can consume.
Limit the consumption of butter, ghee, and heavy creams as the saturated fats present in them may stimulate the growth of cancer calls on the colon and rectum.

What kind of lean meats are good for colorectal cancer?

Protein is an essential macronutrient found in abundance in lean meats such as chicken, turkey, duck, and fish. Lean meats are low in saturated fats which may put you at risk of obesity and diabetes. Find new recipes with fresh chicken and fish to avoid using processed or red meat.

Can dehydration worsen the effects of chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy can make you dehydrated. Replenish your body with sufficient fluids to stay away from the side effects like nausea and vomiting of chemotherapy. Drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water is advised for patients under chemo/radiation treatments. Water flushes out the waste and toxins from the body and maintains a steady body temperature.

Colorectal Cancer Foods to Avoid

Colorectal cancer foods to avoid are fruits and vegetables that are very high in fiber, highly fatty foods, frizzy drinks, and raw vegetables like cabbage, brussels sprouts, and onions. Raw vegetables can sometimes irritate the colon and cause digestive issues. If you’ve had the surgical removal of the colon/rectum, your bowel may take some time to adapt to normal foods.

Best Diet for Rectal Cancer Patients

The rectal cancer diet plan consists of a diet high in fiber and protein and low in simple carbohydrates and saturated fats.

  • Early morning drink @ 6:30 am: Peppermint tea
  • Breakfast @ 9 am: Peas paratha with low-fat curd
  • Mid-morning meal @ 11 am: Broccoli-tomato soup
  • Lunch @ 1 pm: Rice with lentil-vegetable curry and beans sabzi
  • Evening snack @ 4 pm: A bowl of fresh fruit salad/ Healthy trail mix
  • Dinner @ 7 pm: Finger millet roti with soy curry and a glass of warm turmeric milk
Best Diet for Rectal Cancer Patients

Eating a fiber-rich diet like fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, and nuts prevents rectal problems and helps in maintaining rectal health. Hydrating yourself with plenty of liquids is important for rectal cancer. Adhering to an active lifestyle can prevent you from the risk of rectal cancer.

Rectal cancer can be diagnosed with colonoscopy and is treatable in its early stages through surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Rectal cancer can show symptoms like blood in the stools, diarrhea, and constipation. The cancerous cells proliferate in the inner walls of the rectum during the early stages of rectal cancer.

Rectal Cancer Dietary Restrictions

Rectal cancer dietary restrictions include processed foods, highly spicy foods, red meats, fried foods, and sugary and salty foods. If your rectum doesn’t tolerate high-fiber foods like whole grains and brown rice, stay away from them.

  • Adhering to the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of rectal cancer by 10%.
  • Consume more fruits and vegetables
  • Add fiber-rich sources like whole grains, oats, brown rice, whole wheat bread, millet, and legumes.
  • Opt for healthy sources of fats like monounsaturated fatty acids like fish, olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, nuts, and seeds.
  • Select lean proteins from skinless chicken, turkey, low-fat dairy products, and dried beans.

Shedding kilos is not a healthy sign during cancer treatment. Losing weight indicates a nutrient-deficient diet. The absence of a balanced diet can affect your ability to tolerate the treatment. The body’s response to treatment may also be affected if your body is weak and devoid of nutrition.   

Diet After Rectal Surgery

A clear liquid diet is recommended immediately after rectal surgery. The rectum needs some recovery time to resume normal functions. Clear liquids leave no residue hence it digests easily and does not pose any pressure on the colon and rectum. Pulp-free clear fruit juices, soups with a clear broth, black tea, coffee, and ice popsicles are a few alternatives for a clear liquid diet.

Full liquid diet after rectal surgery

The physician monitors your medical condition and moves you to a full liquid diet after surgery. You can include vegetable juices, low-fat milk, smooth soups, and yogurt in addition to foods permitted on a clear liquid diet.

Soft food diet after rectal surgery

Your doctor will re-introduce soft foods to your diet once your bowels function normally. You can include low-fiber foods like white bread, white rice, pasta, cheese, soft-cooked vegetables, and tender meats. Our expert nutritionists guide you with instructions on meal frequency, portion size, and timings to prevent damage to the rectum.

Proper hydration after rectal surgery

Cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy can cause dehydration. Headaches, constipation, fatigue, dizziness, and low blood pressure are some of the side effects of dehydration. Adequate hydration reduces treatment-related side effects and improves the efficiency of the treatment. 8-10 glasses of water are recommended in the form of plain water, electrolyte drinks, soups, infused waters, and detox drinks.

  • Early morning drink @ 6:30 am: Tender coconut water
  • Breakfast @ 9 am: Strained clear vegetable soup
  • Mid-morning meal @ 11 am: Green tea/Black tea
  • Lunch @ 1 pm: Strained apple juice and fruitless gelatin
  • Evening snack @ 4 pm: Orange ice popsicles
  • Dinner @ 7 pm: Strained chicken broth

Rectal Cancer Foods to Avoid

Rectal cancer foods to avoid include red meat, processed meat, sweets, sugary drinks, fried foods, and fast foods. You will be advised to stay on a liquid diet immediately after surgery to reduce the pressure on the rectum.

Should simple carbohydrates be avoided for rectal cancer?

Simple carbohydrates are found in refined flours used in the making of cookies, pastries, bread, and other bakery products. Normal table sugar and syrups also contain simple carbohydrates. These carbs contribute to unhealthy weight gain and elevated blood sugar levels. Restriction of sugary foods and drinks is advised for people with rectal cancer. These foods contain empty calories and a low nutritional value.

What unhealthy fats are not good for rectal cancer?

Healthy fats provide energy and reduce inflammation. Unhealthy fats don’t serve this purpose. Unhealthy fat sources are high-fat meats, fried foods, biscuits, cookies, sweets, packaged foods, butter, and cheese. Unhealthy fats are rich in saturated fats and trans fats which result in an increase in body weight and risk of cardiovascular diseases.

What type of unhealthy protein sources should be avoided for rectal cancer patients?

Proteins obtained from red meat and processed meat increase the risk of cardiac ailments. Instead choose lean proteins from skinless chicken, fatty fish, turkey, and eggs. Plant-based proteins like lentils, beans, legumes, and nuts help to meet the protein requirements for new cell growth in rectal cancer patients.

Best Diet for Intestinal Cancer Patients

The nutritional needs of calories and proteins for intestinal cancer patients increase with the proliferation of cancer cells and treatment. A nutritious balanced diet is essential to support your health and boost your immune system.

  • Early morning drink @ 6:30 am: Apple cider vinegar drink with a few drops of lemon juice
  • Breakfast @ 9 am: Bajra dal khichdi with sliced pear
  • Mid-morning meal @ 11 am: Fresh fruit salad with crushed flaxseeds
  • Lunch @ 1 pm: Steamed rice with black-eyed peas curry and eggplant sabzi
  • Evening snack @ 4 pm: Baked vegetable cutlet with a small guava
  • Dinner @ 7 pm: Stuffed lauki parathas with low-fat curd
Best Diet for Intestinal Cancer Patients

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can destroy some healthy tissues in addition to cancerous cells. An additional intake of calories and proteins is required to prevent infections and maintain a healthy immune system.

Intestinal Cancer Patients Diet Plan

  • Early morning drink @ 6:30 am: Cucumber-mint infused water
  • Breakfast @ 9 am: Quinoa khichdi with vegetables and banana
  • Mid-morning meal @ 11 am: Omelet with mixed veggies
  • Lunch @ 1 pm: Millet pulav with carrot raita and sliced apple
  • Evening snack @ 4 pm: Pineapple melon (honeydew) smoothie
  • Dinner @ 7 pm: Methi roti with paneer-capsicum sabzi and a glass of warm milk (low-fat)

Is a high-fiber diet good for intestinal cancer patients?

A diet high in fiber reduces the risk of death from intestinal cancer. Eating more fruits and vegetables can avail you of the required fiber intake. Eat smaller meals at frequent intervals if you experience side effects from treatment such as nausea and vomiting.

What kinds of foods are advantageous over processed foods?

Good-quality proteins can be obtained from skinless chicken, fish, eggs, turkey, lentils, beans, pulses, and low-fat dairy products. Choose fresh meats from animal sources instead of processed and preserved ones. Fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which help fight against intestinal cancer.

What is the role of carbohydrates in the prevention of intestinal cancer?

Carbohydrates, particularly complex carbohydrates provide the needed energy to fuel your body and brain. Complex carbohydrates help in maintaining muscle mass and healthy blood sugar levels. Brown rice, oatmeal, beans, whole wheat bread, fruits, and vegetables are good sources of complex carbohydrates and provide the additional advantage of being a good source of antioxidants.

Is a vitamin-rich diet protective against intestinal cancer?

A diet deficient in vitamins and minerals can harm intestinal cancer. Patients may face difficulties in tolerating cancer treatment when the body is devoid of essential vitamins. A vitamin-rich diet encourages speedy recovery and improves the absorption of nutrients.

Intestinal Cancer Foods to Avoid

Highly sugary foods, foods high in saturated fats, fried foods, carbonated beverages, and processed meat are some of the intestinal cancer foods to avoid.

Is processed meat good for intestinal cancer?

Processed meats can be carcinogenic to humans when consumed regularly. The chemicals used in processing meat can be dangerous to the intestinal lining. The intestine may be sensitive if you have intestinal cancer and these chemicals can even worsen the symptoms of cancer.

Can intestinal cancer patients have sugary foods?

Sugary foods like sweets, candies, cookies, desserts, and sweetened beverages are very less nutritive and can replace healthy foods. Sugary foods can increase the risk of obesity which can be a major risk factor for intestinal cancer.

Can saturated fats increase the risk of intestinal cancer in patients?

Foods high in saturated fats are red meats, whole dairy foods, butter, packaged foods, and preserved foods may affect the effectiveness of the treatment. Nutritionists advise taking healthy fats like MUFA and PUFA from healthy sources. Healthy fats provide various benefits for intestinal cancer patients.

Are fried foods bad for your intestinal cancer?

Fried foods can worsen the symptoms of intestinal cancer like nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting associated with chemotherapy. These foods take more time to digest and stay for a long time in the stomach and resulting in painful acid reflux.

How dangerous are carbonated beverages?

Carbonated beverages aggravate nausea and gas for cancer patients. Carbonated beverages usually contain a lot of sugars which may increase the risk of obesity as these beverages contain empty calories with no nutritional value.

The best diet for bowel cancer surgery patients

The best diet for bowel cancer surgery patients should be low in fiber for the first few weeks of surgery to provide adequate rest to the bowels in the process of healing. Once when the patient returns to a normal diet, a high-calorie and high-protein diet is advised.

A healthy meal helps you to recover physically and emotionally after surgery. Nutritious food helps to fight infections and reduces the risk of recurrence of bowel cancer. A slow transformation from a low-fiber diet to a high-fiber diet can be beneficial for your bowels.

  • Early morning drink @ 6:30 am: Dandelion tea
  • Breakfast @ 9 am: Bisibela bath with boiled egg
  • Mid-morning meal @ 11 am: Banana-blueberry smoothie
  • Lunch @ 1 pm: Paneer pulav with low-fat curd and a small cup of fruit salad
  • Evening snack @ 4 pm: Shredded chicken salad with leafy greens
  • Dinner @ 7 pm: Multigrain roti with malai egg curry and a small orange
The best diet for bowel cancer surgery patients

Bowel Cancer Diet Plan

The bowel cancer diet plan should consist of lots of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and lean meats like skinless chicken, fish, and turkey.

A healthy balanced diet can improve your bowel cancer symptoms and help you with a speedy recovery. These food choices lower your risk of bowel cancer. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy that can be derived from whole grains and legumes.

Ensure your diet is rich in fiber obtained from whole grains, pulses, fruits, and vegetables. The fiber intake should be 30 gm per day for healthy adults. Our expert nutritionists guide you on the amount of fiber intake based on your medical conditions and health. A low-fiber diet is advised before and after surgery for bowel cancer during which the bowels cannot tolerate high-fiber diets.

A physically active lifestyle can prevent the risk of bowel cancer and certain other cancers.

  • Early morning drink @ 6:30 am: Green tea
  • Breakfast @ 9 am: Masala oats with peas and carrots
  • Mid-morning meal @ 11 am: A bowl of cut papaya/muskmelon
  • Lunch @ 1 pm: Tomato rice with cucumber raita and a small guava
  • Evening snack @ 4 pm: Moringa-dal soup
  • Dinner @ 7 pm: Missi roti with bottle gourd sabzi

Best foods to prevent bowel cancer

The best foods to prevent bowel cancer include plenty of fruits and vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds and limitations of red meats, processed foods, sugary foods, fried foods, and high-calorie foods.

Is spinach good for bowel cancer?

Spinach is an excellent source of folate and vitamin A. Spinach contains a lot of fiber that adds bulk to the stools and aids in smooth digestion.

Are apples good for bowel cancer?

Apples are good sources of fiber that promote healthy digestion. The pectin in the apples helps in the removal of toxins which makes the intestinal lining healthier.

Is broccoli good for bowel cancer?

Broccoli is antioxidant-rich and guards the cells against free radical damage. Broccoli contains soluble fiber that stimulates the growth of healthy bacteria in the bowels.

Are avocados good for bowel cancer?

Avocados contain soluble and insoluble fibers that help in maintaining a healthy bowel. Soluble fibers regulate bowel movements and prevent the accumulation of toxins in the intestines. Insoluble fiber cleanses the colon and lowers the risk of colon cancer.

Is garlic good for bowel cancer?

Garlic is an excellent spice that fights against infections from bacteria, parasites, and viruses. It also helps in the removal of pathogens from the colon.

Is lemon good for bowel cancer?

Lemons act as good colon cleansers and help in effective detoxification. Lemons reduce the build-up of waste matter and affect the growth of harmful microorganisms.

Is water good for bowel cancer?

Water gets absorbed by the insoluble fibers from the foods. Constipation may result in the absence of adequate water. Surplus water cleanses the colon by removing waste and toxins.

Diet for Bowel Cancer Patients

Diet for bowel cancer patients should contain

  • Ensure your plate contains more fruits and vegetables for a continuous supply of fiber.
  • Drink sufficient water which helps in digestion and relieves fatigue and constipation. Water supports the smooth movement of stools.
  • Limit the intake of caffeine which may affect the effectiveness of the medications.
  • Consume foods rich in calcium and vitamin D. Intake of probiotic foods can be helpful in digestion.
  • Consider whole grains for a good source of minerals like magnesium, folate, and iron. Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and oats provide the necessary fiber to maintain a healthy bowel.
  • Avoid sugary foods, refined carbohydrates, and processed foods to maintain a healthy weight and prevent the symptoms of bowel cancer from becoming worse.

Bowel Cancer Diet Before Surgery

A bowel cancer diet before surgery must include low-fiber foods to prepare your bowels for surgery. A clear liquid diet is recommended 24-48 hours before surgery.

The bowels need to be emptied before surgery. A low-fiber diet leaves no residue which helps the bowels to ready for the surgery.

Some foods like fruit/vegetable juices that contain pulp, dry fruits, and foods made from whole grains, oats, popcorn, and granola cereals should be completely avoided before surgery of the bowels. Raw fruits with skin, raw vegetables, unrefined grains, spicy foods, and juices that contain artificial colorings should also be avoided.

Some of the beverages that are allowed 1 day before surgery are

  • Black tea/coffee
  • Clear soda
  • Strained fruit juice (pulp-free)
  • Ice popsicles
  • Gelatin and pudding (without fruit)
  • Clear soups/broth
  • Sports drinks

Diet after Bowel Cancer Surgery

Liquid foods are the best diet to start with after bowel cancer surgery followed by soft-cooked foods and the gradual introduction of solid foods. A low-fiber diet is recommended for 4-6 weeks after the surgery. Low-fiber foods digest easily when the bowel is in the healing process.

Patients may face reduced appetite after bowel cancer surgery. Some people may face diarrhea after surgery which can be replaced with fluids and electrolytes to prevent dehydration. Adhere to regular meal timings and limit caffeine, spicy foods, high-fat foods, and artificial sweeteners.

  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Fluids can be in the form of water, juices, milk, soups, and broth.
  • Eat small quantities of food at a time and chew the food well for better digestion. You may feel full quickly after surgery hence eat whenever you feel hungry.
  • Protein is a much-needed nutrient that aids in the healing process after surgery and helps in preventing infections.
  • Eat and drink foods at room temperature. Avoid foods that are too hot/too cold.
  • Try consuming boiled white rice, bananas, applesauce, smooth peanut butter, white pasta, crackers, soft-boiled potatoes, and yogurt if you face diarrhea after reintroducing yourself to solid foods.
  • Low-fiber foods can be best tolerated after surgery. Avoid the intake of nuts and seeds along with milk and oatmeal.

Diet for Bowel Cancer Recovery

  • Early morning drink @ 6:30 am: Beetroot-grape juice
  • Breakfast @ 9 am: Avocado on a whole grain toast with 1 small pear
  • Mid-morning meal @ 11 am: Broccoli soup
  • Lunch @ 1 pm: Channa rice with beetroot raita and boiled egg
  • Evening snack @ 4 pm: Chicken-kale salad
  • Dinner @ 7 pm: Oats flax seeds roti with tomato chutney

Bowel Cancer Low-fiber Diet

A low-fiber diet is advised after the resection of bowel cancer. The bowel is weak and ample rest is required to heal the bowels. The amount of undigested food that passes through the bowel is significantly reduced with a low-fiber diet.

Some persons may experience diarrhea, cramps, and difficulty in digesting food. In such cases, a low-fiber diet assists you with these conditions. Avoid raw vegetables, dried beans, peas, corn, onions, and cruciferous vegetables. Brown rice, oats, cornmeal, dried fruits, wheat germ, bran, coconut, nuts, and seeds are also to be avoided.

Some low-fiber diets are

  • White bread
  • Plain pasta
  • White rice
  • Soft-cooked vegetables without skin and seeds
  • Mashed sweet/white potatoes
  • Strained vegetable and fruit juices without pulp
  • Strained soups
  • Milk, yogurt (without nuts and seeds), cheese, paneer, custard, and pudding.
  • Well-riped banana
  • Clear jellies and popsicles

Foods to Avoid After Bowel Cancer Surgery

High-fiber foods should be avoided for 4-6 weeks after surgery. Consume foods that are at room temperature, and avoid too hot and too cold foods that may hurt your bowels. Foods rich in calories and proteins help in the healing of the bowels after surgery and fight against infections. Tender meats, soft-boiled eggs, and fish are excellent sources of proteins to be included in the diet of bowel cancer patients.

Start with clear fluids and move to a light/soft diet as you recover and transform yourself to a normal diet once your food intake has returned to normal levels. Have small meals at frequent intervals to allow your bowels to adapt to normal conditions. You may not be able to eat larger meals after the surgery, but slowly reintroduce foods gradually over the weeks to recovery. Eat small quantities at a time and stop eating once you are feeling full.

Drink ample amounts of water to aid digestion and removal of waste. Fluids can be in the form of water, fruit juices, infused water, soups, and broths.

Surgery can make you more vulnerable to infections. Maintain hygiene with the intake of foods to prevent food poisoning.

  • Vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, radishes, corn, mushroom, onion, and asparagus
  • Fruits like guava, pineapple, pear, citrus fruits, and kiwi (well-ripe bananas can be consumed in small quantities)
  • Lentils and beans
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Dry fruits like figs, dates, and raisins
  • Whole wheat products
  • Unprocessed grains
  • Brown rice and wild rice
  • Popcorn  
  • Fried foods
  • Highly spicy foods
  • Chocolates and caffeinated drinks

Best Diet to Prevent Polyps

Polyps are small bag-like structures that tend to develop into cancer. The risk of cancer increases with the size of polyps. An unhealthy lifestyle and lack of exercise are the major risk factors for the development of polyps.

  • Early morning drink @ 6:30 am: Turmeric tea
  • Breakfast @ 9 am: Moong dal cheela with tomato chutney
  • Mid-morning meal @ 11 am: Yogurt with cut fruits
  • Lunch @ 1 pm: Red rice with amaranth dal and bhindi sabzi
  • Evening snack @ 4 pm: Green tea with grilled sweetcorn
  • Dinner @ 7 pm: Jowar roti with chicken curry
Best Diet to Prevent Polyps

The best diet should include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and lean meat. Turmeric contains curcumin which significantly lowers the development of polyps. Foods rich in vitamin D like vitamin D-fortified milk, eggs, and mushrooms lower the risk of intestinal cancers.

Diet to Reduce Polyps

A healthy diet reduces chronic inflammation and reduces the occurrence of polyps. Some polyps might disappear on their own but some need medical attention and an appropriate diet for the polyps to shrink in size.

Can colored vegetables reduce Polyps?

Colored vegetables like yellow, orange, and red vegetables contain a significant amount of antioxidants and vitamins that maintain your colon health. Colored bell peppers, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and beetroots are some of the foods which if included reduce the formation of colon polyps.

Can folate-rich foods reduce Polyps?

Spinach, green peas, broccoli, asparagus, black-eyed peas, and peanuts are good sources of folic acid that prevent the formation of polyps and colon cancer.

Can calcium-rich foods reduce Polyps?

Calcium-rich foods like dairy products (low-fat), spinach, almonds, fortified orange juice, broccoli, dark greens, and millet play a significant role in the prevention of the formation of polyps. A 20% reduction in the occurrence of polyps was observed with a daily intake of 1200 mg of calcium.

Can healthy fats reduce Polyps?

Foods like fish, avocados, nuts, olive oil, flax seeds, and walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that provide various benefits to the colon. Including these foods in the diet can prevent the formation of polyps.

Can green tea reduce Polyps?

Green tea can prevent the formation of polyps and colon cancer. Substitute your morning cup of tea/coffee with a cup of green tea to reap its benefits.

Can hydration reduce Polyps?

Dehydration may be one of the major causes of polyp formation. Dehydration can result in constipation which makes the stools stay in the body for longer periods. This causes the concentration of carcinogenic compounds which may lead to the growth of cancerous polyps.

Can a high-fiber diet reduce Polyps?

A high-fiber diet regulates your bowel movements and lowers the risk of the formation of polyps. Include high-fiber vegetables and fruits in your diet to increase your fiber intake.

Serrated Polyposis Syndrome Diet

Serrated Polyposis syndrome also known as “Hyperplastic polyposis syndrome” is a rare condition in which serrated polyps are formed in the colon/rectum. These types of polyps are hard to find and can be found only by removing them and being examined under a microscope. Serrated polyposis syndrome if left untreated can pose a high risk of colon cancer.

  • Include more vegetables and fruits to avail the fiber in them.
  • Choose whole grains over refined grains. Whole grains are unprocessed and relatively contain a good amount of fiber in them.
  • Avoid processed foods and meats that may harm your colon. These foods are high in saturated fats that induce the formation of polyps and colon cancer.
  • Sugary foods increase your blood glucose levels which increases the risk of the prevalence of colon cancer and polyps. Sugary foods can be had on an occasional treat and not on regular basis.
  • Avoid grilled or charred foods as they may release some carcinogenic substances when burnt/charred. Be cautious not to over-char the foods. Consider using aluminum foil to prevent the foods from being burnt/charred.
  • Prioritize your workout plan to be fit and prevent the formation of serrated polyps and reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Foods to Avoid If You Have Polyps

Foods to avoid if you have polyps include prebiotic foods and plant fibers like onions, garlic, bananas, wheat, leeks, and artichokes.

  • Limit the intake of red meat, saturated fats, and trans fats. 
  • Reduce the intake of refined foods that are rich in simple carbohydrates.
  • A vitamin-rich diet is crucial for the prevention of the formation of polyps.
  • Consume more cruciferous vegetables.
  • Ensure your diet is rich in calcium and fiber.


What are the best fruits for colon cancer patients?

The best fruits for colon cancer patients are apples, bananas, pears, papaya, pomegranates, and strawberries. Limit the intake of highly citrus fruits as they may worsen mouth sores and cause irritation in the digestive tract. Fruits and their juices can help in replenishing the electrolyte loss through vomiting and diarrhea.

What are the best vegetables for colon health?

The best vegetables for colon health are spinach, kale, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumber, ladies’ finger, carrot, beetroot, onions, and tomato. Vegetables provide more fiber to your body and keep your colon healthy.

What are the best nuts for colon cancer?

The best nuts for colon cancer are almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, and hazelnuts. Nuts contribute to healthy fats, proteins, and fiber that lowers the risk of colon cancer. Nuts are low in carbohydrates and serve as a good evening snack. Limit your portion size of nuts as it is high in calories.

Can I Use Baking Soda to Treat Cancer?

Baking soda is an alkaline food that reduces stomach acidity. An acidic environment is favorable for cancer cells to thrive. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) reduces the body’s acidity and helps in maintaining a normal pH. Baking soda cannot cure cancer but it can stop the growth of cancer cells. You can use alkaline foods like lentils and vegetables to reduce your body’s acidity.

Can sugar cause colon cancer?

Excess sugar consumption can lead to obesity and increase the risk of colon cancer. Increased sugar intake can accumulate in the bowel and get fermented. Sugar feeds the bad bacteria and yeast in the large intestine and causes gas formation. Sugars can stimulate the proliferation of tumor cells and cause inflammation which leads to gut irritation and damage to the mucus layer.

Is cheese good for colon cancer?

Calcium-rich foods like cheese (low-fat) are good for colon cancer. An 8% reduction in colon cancer was observed with an intake of approximately 300 mg of calcium per day. Calcium controls the proliferation of cancer cells and induces apoptosis of colon tumor cells. Fermented dairy products like cheese contain lactic acid bacteria that protect the epithelial surface of the colon.

Is dark chocolate good for the colon?

Dark chocolates, especially those low in sugars promote the synthesis of healthy microbes in the colon. The antioxidants and flavonoids in dark chocolate are beneficial for colon cancer patients as it reduces the spread of cancer cells.

Does chicken cause colon cancer?

Chicken does not cause colon cancer, instead, it supplies the body with excellent proteins. The proteins obtained from chicken promote the formation of healthy cells in the colon. Skinless chicken is low in saturated fat and cholesterol. Although chicken does not contain any fiber, eating chicken does not make your constipation worse.

Is fish oil good for colon cancer?

Fish oils reduce the levels of prostaglandins in the colon which is known to cause colon cancer. The prostaglandins are derived from omega-6 fatty acids that promote healing and reduce inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids lower the availability of omega-6 fatty acids to control the production of prostaglandins. Inflammation can cause the body to produce more prostaglandins and increase the risk of colon cancer.

Is milk good for colon cancer?

Dairy products like milk reduce the risk of colon cancer. Milk is an excellent source of proteins, calcium, and vitamins to maintain strong bones and overall health. Calcium is said to have beneficial effects in lowering colon cancer. Include skimmed milk that has a reduced concentration of saturated fats which reduces the risk of obesity and cardiac problems.

Is olive oil good for colon cancer?

Olive oil nourishes the inner surface of the colon and eases constipation. Consuming a tablespoon of olive oil on empty stomach in the morning cleanses your colon and keeps it healthy, thus reducing the risk of colon cancer. Olive oil is an essential ingredient in the Mediterranean diet that is mostly recommended for cancer patients. Olive oil is a good source of unsaturated fats like monounsaturated fats, phenols, and poly sterols.

Is peanut butter good for colon cancer?

Peanut butter can be good for colon cancer patients if consumed in limited amounts. Peanut butter aids regular bowel movements and maintains colon health as it is a rich source of soluble and insoluble fiber. 2 tbsp of preservative-free peanut butter provides 3 grams of fiber which fulfills 10% of the daily fiber requirement. The risk of colon cancer was highly reduced with the consumption of nuts like peanuts.

Does gluten intolerance cause colon cancer?

Gluten intolerance may increase the risk of colon cancer in the starting and middle parts of the colon. Patients with celiac disease may experience inflammation in the small intestine after consuming gluten-rich foods. Gluten alone is not responsible for colon cancer. Non-celiac patients can consume gluten foods without any hesitation of a chance of inflammation.

Are almonds good for colon cancer?

Almonds are rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, supporting colon health and providing various benefits. Individuals who consumed almonds regularly have a less chance of developing colon cancer and its recurrence. Mind your portion size of almonds as they are high in calories. Munching on nuts can avoid your desire for unhealthy fried foods.

Is chia Seed good for colon cancer?

Chia seeds are regarded as “superfoods” to fight colon cancer. Chia seeds destroy cancer cells keeping the healthy cells intact. Chia seeds are great sources of fiber, proteins, and minerals. Chia seeds support healthy digestion and cleanse the colon. Chia seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids that helps to increase HDL levels and reduces inflammation.

Does flaxseed reduce colon cancer?

Flax seeds lower the risk of colon cancer with the help of their fiber content and omega-3 fatty acids. Flax seeds contain good amounts of soluble fiber that absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance and helps in easy passage of stools. Flax seeds also help in treating ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.

Are cashews good for colon cancer?

Cashews are healthy foods to snack on. Cashews are nil in cholesterol, low in sugar, and high in plant proteins and fiber. Consumption of cashews maintains colon health and helps in the prevention of colon cancer. The fiber content of cashews helps in easy digestion and the heart-healthy fats prevent inflammation.

Can garlic heal colon cancer?

Garlic is effective in cleansing the colon of parasites, pathogens, and toxins. Garlic possesses antibacterial, antiparasitic, and antiviral properties. Garlic supports the absorption of nutrients from food and enhances digestion and is effective in eliminating waste from the colon. Avoid consuming raw garlic as it can upset your gastrointestinal tract and cause changes in the intestinal microbia.

Is carrot juice good for your colon?

Carrot juice is good for your colon. Carrot juice is a concentrated version of all the nutrients. carrot juice can prevent cancer-causing agents from attacking healthy cells. The various nutrients in carrot juice help in fighting against free radicals that may cause cancer. The antioxidants and vitamins in carrot juice protect the body against free radical damage. You may miss out on the fiber content if you opt for carrot juice instead of a whole carrot.

Is asparagus good for colon cancer?

Asparagus is high in insoluble fiber that adds bulk to the stools and supports healthy bowel movements. Asparagus is low in calories and a good source of antioxidants that safeguards the cells from the harmful effects of oxidative stress and free radical damage. Asparagus is high in flavonoids that contain anti-cancerous effects.

Should colon cancer patients avoid avocados?

Avocados are colon-friendly fruit that has numerous benefits with anti-cancerous properties. Avocados are packed with carotenoids and phytonutrients. The carotenoids and fibers in avocados protect against colon cancer. The phytochemicals inhibit the growth of cancer cells and stimulate apoptosis in cancer cells.

What foods should be avoided with colorectal cancer?

Foods like red meat, processed meat, refined foods, and sugary products should be avoided for colorectal cancer. Substitute these foods with lean proteins like skinless chicken, fish, and eggs. Go for plant sources of proteins like lentils, nuts, and pulses. More amount of fiber in plant foods helps in the passage of waste through the intestines.

Can colorectal cancer be cured with diet?

The severity of Colorectal cancer can be managed with diet, but cannot be cured completely with diet. A healthy diet can support people with stage 1 colorectal cancer. Eating a high-fiber diet like whole grains can bring betterment in the disease.

What foods cause colorectal cancer?

Consistent intake of highly processed foods and meats, foods high in saturated fats and trans fats, red meats, low-fiber foods, and simple carbohydrates can increase your risk of colorectal cancer. Lack of physical activity may be one of the major risks of colorectal cancer. 

What foods should be avoided with rectal cancer?

Hot dogs, salami, sausages, bacon, canned, and preserved meats should be avoided for rectal cancer. Processed and preserved foods contain chemicals that may be hazardous to the rectum. Opt for healthier sources of proteins and fibers from plant foods and lean meats.

Can rectal cancer be rectified with diet?

Rectal cancer can be rectified to some extent with diet in its early stages. Diet in combination with chemotherapy and radiation therapy can show positive results in shrinking the tumor and easily removed with surgery.

What foods cause rectal cancer?

Foods high in fat and cholesterol increase the risk of rectal cancer. Fried foods, cakes, donuts, cookies, pastries, sweets, hot dogs, luncheon meats, and deli meats increase the risk of rectal cancer. When high-fat meats are exposed to high temperatures, it emits carcinogenic substances that can be harmful to the rectum. Vitamin D deficiency may also increase the risk of rectal cancer.

What foods should be avoided with intestinal cancer?

Red meat and processed meat should be avoided for intestinal cancer. Cut down the intake of these foods, instead, substitute these foods with fruits and vegetables loaded with vitamins and essential minerals to maintain your intestinal health. Fruits and vegetables contain fiber that adds bulk to your stools and helps them to move easily through the intestines.

Can intestinal cancer be cured with diet?

Foods high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals can help in the survival rate of intestinal cancer. Healthy food habits can improve your intestinal health and regulate your bowel movements. Take a consultation with our expert nutritionists to get a clear idea about the types of foods to limit and what to eat for intestinal cancer.

What foods cause intestinal cancer?

Unhealthy food habits like intake of processed foods, refined foods, red meat, junk foods, and fried foods increase the risk of intestinal cancer. Regular consumption of these foods induces inflammation which may be the major reason for chronic diseases such as intestinal cancer. Red meat is commonly regarded as carcinogenic to humans. Include fresh and lean meats in your diet to avail good quality protein.

Can polyps be cured with diet?

Adapting healthier food choices like increasing the intake of fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains can aid in improving the symptoms of polyps. Diet alone cannot help in curing polyps completely. Some polyps may go away on their own whereas, some polyps may be removed surgically and following a healthy diet and exercise routine can prevent the recurrence of polyps.

What foods cause polyps?

Fatty foods, red meat, processed meat such as hot dogs, bacon, sausages, salami, and lunch meats, and fried foods that contain a good amount of saturated fats and trans fats can cause the formation of polyps. Choosing foods rich in folic acid prevents the further development of polyps. Apart from food, stress also may influence the development of polyps.

Why does red meat increase the risk of bowel cancer?

Red meat contains chemicals that may be carcinogenic to the bowels. N-nitroso chemicals are formed when heam, a chemical in red meat is broken down which damages healthy cells and results in bowel cancer. Red meat contains more amount of saturated fats which increases the risk of obesity and bowel cancer as well.

How does processed meat cause colorectal cancer?

The chemicals used in the processing of meat hinder the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut and can cause inflammation which leads to an increased risk of colorectal cancer. Processed meat involves the use of high temperatures and preservatives in the process of smoking, curing, or salting which can release carcinogenic to the colon and rectum.

What meat is good for colon cancer?

Lean meats like skinless chicken, turkey, and fish are good for colon cancer. Fresh meats provide the necessary proteins and vitamins for the healthy maintenance of the colon. These meats are low in saturated fats unless they are fried. Proteins from meats keep you full for longer periods reducing your cravings for sugary and unhealthy foods that may contribute to colon cancer.

Can sugar cause bowel cancer?

Increased intake of sugary foods and beverages can lead to obesity which is linked to an increased risk of bowel cancer. Excess sugars get deposited in the bowels and get fermented which leads to an increased risk of bowel cancer.  Foods that are high in sucrose and fructose increase inflammation which irritates the gut and reduces the number of beneficial microbiomes.

Are vegans less likely to get bowel cancer?

Yes, vegans are comparatively at a lower risk of bowel cancer as vegans’ foods are low in fats and cholesterol. A vegan diet is rich in fiber which reduces the risk of bowel cancer. Legumes and beans are good sources of antioxidants that reduce the prevalence of bowel cancer. Vegans avoid animal foods like red meat and processed meat that are high in saturated fats which is a major concern for bowel cancer.

Can a plant-based diet reverse colon cancer?

A plant-based diet may prevent the progression of the disease and reduces the risk of mortality. Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains provide plenty of fiber which reduces the risk of colon cancer. Plant-based diet combined with an active lifestyle has been found to reverse the side effects of colon cancer.  

Does a vegetarian diet reduce the risk of colon cancer?

A vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of colon cancer as it is a rich source of fiber, complex carbohydrates, proteins, and vital nutrients. Vegetarian diets are devoid of saturated fats and hydrogenated fats. A vegetarian diet maintains the health of your digestive system and protects your colon from cancer and other digestive disorders.

Is it normal to lose weight after bowel resection?

Weight loss is normal after bowel resection as the appetite reduces significantly after surgery. Further, the patient is restricted to staying on a liquid/fluid diet for 1-2 weeks after surgery. The lost weight can be regained once you have adapted yourself to a regular diet after 4-6 weeks of surgery. Diarrhea may be a common symptom after bowel resection which can lead to dehydration and weight loss.

Does the keto diet increase cancer risk?

The Keto diet is a diet high in fats and low in carbohydrates. Currently, there is no evidence supporting the keto diet increasing cancer risk, but a higher intake of red meat and processed meat can increase the risk of colon cancer. The Keto diet may cause some side effects like constipation and deficiency of nutrients. keto diet excludes fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains which is an essential part of a healthy diet.