Watermelon During Pregnancy

What are the benefits and risks of eating watermelon during pregnancy? Know these details before eating watermelon during pregnancy.

A bright red juicy fruit is a rich source of vitamins A, B6, and C, potassium, and magnesium. Potassium is needed to prevent muscular cramps and magnesium helps in preventing premature contractions during pregnancy.

Watermelon contains a lot of lutein and lycopene, two antioxidants that may guard against several difficulties during pregnancy.

Lycopene, an antioxidant found in abundance in watermelon, may lower the incidence of preeclampsia, a pregnancy-related condition.

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Watermelon During Pregnancy

Benefits and Risks of Watermelon During Pregnancy

Relieves heartburn and acidity:

The hormonal changes and food habits may cause heartburn and acidity which can be overcome with the intake of watermelon. It soothes the digestive system and provides relief from these discomforts.

Prevents edema:

Watermelon helps to overcome edema which is caused due to the accumulation of fluids in the hands and legs. Watermelon clears the blockages and helps to relieve edema.

Combat dehydration:

Watermelon consists of 90% water content. Eating watermelon in the morning also helps in preventing morning sickness and dehydration. The high-water content of watermelon may assist pregnant women to satisfy their higher hydration requirements.

The intake of watermelon can prevent tiredness, lethargy, and other discomforts caused due to dehydration.

Fights against infections:

Infections can make immunity levels drop. Watermelon contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that boosts immunity in pregnant mothers.

Detoxification process:

Watermelon helps to flush out toxins from the body and reduce the levels of uric acid in the body as it contains diuretic properties. The detoxification process stimulates the normal functioning of the liver and kidneys during pregnancy.

Detoxification helps to maintain healthy glowing skin and prevents from the skin looking patchy and dry as a result of the hormonal changes that take place during pregnancy.


The high fiber content of the watermelon helps in the formation of bulk stools and their free movement in the bowels.

Essential nutrients may be flushed out along with the toxins with the excess intake of watermelons due to their diuretic properties. Watermelons may also lead to gestational diabetes when consumed in uncontrolled amounts.

Watermelons are highly perishable and are prone to quick spoilage. Consume watermelons as soon after cutting and do not store them for a long time to avoid infections and gastrointestinal ailments.


Is it safe to eat watermelon during pregnancy?

Watermelon is safe to eat during pregnancy. If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, limit the consumption of watermelon to a few slices. The high-water content of watermelon helps to meet the daily fluid requirements of a pregnant mother.
Lycopene, a potent antioxidant found in watermelon helps to reduce the occurrence of pre-eclampsia and its complications.

Is watermelon good for the womb?

The potassium and magnesium content of watermelon helps prevent muscular cramps and premature contractions during pregnancy. Consumption of watermelon helps to fight dehydration and morning sickness.
Watermelon relieves muscle soreness and reduces inflammation.

Is watermelon good for the fetus?

Watermelon contains moderate amounts of carbohydrates, copper, magnesium, vitamins A, C, and pantothenic acid which aid in fetal growth and the prevention of abnormalities.
The fetus’s immune system is strengthened with the presence of vitamin C.

Can I eat watermelon at night during pregnancy?

It is not recommended to eat watermelon at night as it may cause bloating and irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive issues. Consumption of watermelon spikes blood sugar levels and promotes weight gain if eaten during the night time.
The frequency of urination increases when watermelon is consumed at night which may disturb your sleeping schedule.