Pear Fruit During Pregnancy

What are the benefits and risks of eating pear fruit during pregnancy? Know these details before eating pear fruit during pregnancy.

Pear fruit is rich in vitamin C, folate, calcium, potassium, and fiber. It can be enormously used in the everyday menu as it is low in calories. Almost 11% of the daily vitamin C intake is met by consuming a single pear regularly.

The bottle-shaped fruit is safe and healthy to eat during pregnancy with no side effects. A pregnant lady can consume 1-2 pears per day. It is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids that help to safeguard you from infectious diseases like colds, coughs, and flu.

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Pear Fruit During Pregnancy

Benefits and Risks of Pear Fruit During Pregnancy

Pears are rich in fiber that fights against constipation which is a common problem in pregnancy. 7 gm of fiber can be obtained from a single pear. Eat pears along with the skin to prevent the loss of fiber from the skin.

Pear is a low-calorie fruit that keeps you energetic and does not account for weight gain as it is low in fats.1 cup (100 gm) of pear provides 116 mg of potassium for the healthy functioning of the heart and cellular regeneration.

Pears assists in treating hepatitis and pulmonary infections.

Pear is a fruit high in tannins that help to flush out toxins and heavy metals from the body.

One pear contains 16 mg of calcium that supports the development of the bones and teeth of the baby.

One pear contains 12 mcg of folic acid which adds to your daily intake of folic acid. Folic acid plays a main role in the prevention of neural tube defects in the fetus in the first trimester.

Pear is a natural depressant that helps to keep stress and tension at bay. The presence of cobalt enhances the absorption of iron and reduces edema by excreting excess water through the kidneys.

The consumption of raw/unripe pear may irritate the stomach and leads to diarrhea and vomiting. Avoid pears if you are diabetic and suffering from gastric issues.

Wash the fruit well under running tap water to remove dirt, impurities, and pathogens that may cause diseases like Toxoplasmosis, Listeriosis, and other complications.


Is it safe to eat pear during pregnancy?

Pears are extremely safe to consume during pregnancy due to their low-calorie content. Pears are excellent sources of fiber which contribute to 20% of the daily fiber intake.
Fiber eases constipation which is a major problem faced by many pregnant mothers. Eating pears during pregnancy makes you avail of some essential nutrients like vitamins C, K, potassium, and folate.

Is pear good for the womb?

The naturally low-calorie fruit along with its vital nutrients like fiber, iron, folate, potassium, and vitamin C provides many health benefits for the womb.
Pear is a low-glycemic index fruit that does not affect your blood sugar levels during pregnancy. Have them as a perfect on-the-go snack to satiate your hunger.

Is pear good for the fetus?

Pears contain vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant that supports the growth and development of the baby. The vitamins and minerals in the pears nourish the fetus and assures an adequate supply of nutrients to the fetus through the mother.
Consumption of pears helps in maintaining energy levels and protects the baby against free radical damage.

Can I eat pear at night during pregnancy?

It is advised not to consume pears at night as their fiber content can disturb your sleeping patterns. You can have pears either in the morning or afternoon as a part of the meal or separately to avail of its health benefits.
Avoid consuming pears on an empty stomach as the mucous membranes are likely to be affected by their fiber content.