Papaya During Pregnancy

What are the benefits and risks of eating papaya during pregnancy? Know these details before eating papaya during pregnancy.

Papaya is a juicy and sweet tropical fruit that can be used in salads, smoothies, juices, and more. Pregnant women are mostly advised to stay away from papaya to prevent the risks of miscarriage while expecting.

Well-riped papaya provides numerous health benefits and is a good source of vitamins A, B, and C, beta-carotene, choline, folate, potassium, and fiber.

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Papaya During Pregnancy

Benefits and Risks of Papaya During Pregnancy

Papaya relieves constipation and improves bowel movements as it is a good source of fiber and helps in combating gastric issues like heartburn and acidity by neutralizing the acid in the stomach.

Eating ripe papaya promotes the health of the fetus during developmental stages. The formation of red blood cells is crucial as the iron requirement increases with the increase in blood volume during pregnancy.

Papaya helps to treat morning sickness by consuming it along with breakfast or as a mid-meal snack.

Raw/unripe papaya contains Papain that may induce uterine contractions that result in uterine contractions in pregnancy. Some may like to eat semi-ripe papaya due to its crunchy texture.

Semi-ripe papaya contains papain and latex that can be harmful to the baby and cause congenital disabilities in the developing fetus.

The membranes of the uterus weaken with the availability of papain and induce preterm labor. The body may misinterpret papain as oxytocin and prostaglandin and start inducing labor.

The levels of papain and latex decrease to negligible amounts as the fruit ripens making it safe for consumption. The golden yellow color and sweet odor indicate the papaya is well-ripe.

Wash the fruit well before and after peeling the fruit under running water and remove any bruised portion before consumption.


Is it safe to eat papaya during pregnancy?

The consumption of ripe papaya in limited quantities is safe to consume during pregnancy. Raw papaya and semi-ripe papaya contain an enzyme called papain which can lead to miscarriages in expecting mothers.
Ripe papaya is a great source of vital nutrients like vitamins A, B, and C, beta-carotene, magnesium, and potassium required for the healthy neurological development of the fetus.

Is papaya good for the womb?

An increase in immunity is noticed with the consumption of ripe papaya. Morning sickness can be reduced to a greater extent with the limited consumption of ripe papaya.
Choose fresh papaya and wash them well after peeling them. Papaya helps to prevent constipation and heartburn during pregnancy.

Is papaya good for the fetus?

The papain in raw papaya can harm the fetus and weakens the membrane surrounding the fetus which can lead to miscarriage and other complications.
Papaya is a healthy source of iron which helps to increase the hemoglobin levels in the blood. Healthy hemoglobin levels prevent the risk of anemia and other complications.

Can I eat papaya at night during pregnancy?

Ripe papaya can be consumed at night in moderate amounts during pregnancy. Papaya acts as a laxative and cleanses the colon and helps with easy bowel movements.
Papaya helps in preventing constipation which is a major complaint during pregnancy. Avoid eating papaya if you are allergic to it.