Is it safe to eat chocolate during pregnancy?

Eating chocolate during pregnancy is safe unless it does not exceed the limits. Moderation is a general rule in life as in most cases.

When comparing milk chocolates and dark chocolates, dark chocolates win the race. Dark chocolates contain iron, copper, and magnesium which are beneficial for the heart during pregnancy.

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Is it safe to eat chocolate during pregnancy

Benefits and Risks of Chocolate During Pregnancy

Chocolates have been found to reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. The risk of gestational hypertension during the first trimester is also reduced with the consumption of chocolates.

Dark chocolates are rich in antioxidants which is helpful to maintain overall health. Dark chocolates improve blood circulation to the fetus and increase the secretion of endorphins and serotonin in the brain which reduces stress.

The oleic acid found in chocolates contains the same amount of fats as olive oil. Dark chocolates contain anti-inflammatory properties that lower the risk of stroke and other heart-related ailments during pregnancy.

Chocolates are high in sugars and caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that when taken in excess can hinder the growth and development of the baby.

Daily intake of caffeine should not exceed 20 grams per day. 8 grams 0f caffeine is obtained from 100 grams of dark chocolate.

Mind your coffee intake if you are eating dark chocolates. Check for the sugar and calorie content as too much sugar and calories can lead to unwanted weight gain and complications.

Avoid eating chocolates if you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes and obesity. It is advisable not to over-eat chocolates as it may reduce hunger and intake of nutritious foods.


Is chocolate good for the womb?

Chocolate, especially dark chocolate can be good for the womb if consumed in moderation. Chocolate increases the blood flow to the baby in the womb. Consuming chocolate lowers blood pressure and the risk of pre-eclampsia.
Chocolate also improves placental function. Reduce your chocolate consumption to a few pieces as it is a rich source of sugars and calories.

Is chocolate good for the fetus?

Moderate chocolate consumption has been found to improve fetal growth and a 20% reduction in the chance of miscarriage. Chocolates contain more caffeine and sugars which can be dangerous to the growing fetus.
It is best advised to limit the consumption of chocolates to one or two pieces rather than a whole pack during pregnancy.

Can I eat chocolate at night during pregnancy?

It is best advised to refrain from eating chocolates at night as the caffeine content in chocolates can keep you awake for longer periods and cause disturbances in sleeping patterns. The sugar content of chocolates can spike your blood sugar levels during the night, which can harm the mother and baby.

Can chocolate affect early pregnancy?

Dark chocolates contain naturally occurring antioxidants that lower the risk of gestational diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and other ailments. Chocolates reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia and miscarriages during early pregnancy when consumed in limited quantities.
Eating chocolates lowers stress and may improve the mood of pregnant women.

Why chocolate should be avoided during pregnancy?

Chocolates contain remarkable amounts of caffeine, sugar, fat, and calories. 100 gm of milk chocolate contains 20 mg of caffeine. The darker the chocolate, the more caffeine. The fetus cannot digest caffeine and may stay in the baby’s body for a long time.
Consuming chocolate can cause negative effects on the baby’s Ductus arteriosus (DA) which is important for the development of the baby.

How much chocolate is safe during pregnancy?

1-2 pieces of chocolate are safe during pregnancy rather than a whole pack. Chocolate may have additional advantages such as the prevention of pregnancy risks like pre-eclampsia and hypertension. Chocolates contain considerable amounts of caffeine which may be harmful to the growing fetus.
Do not consume more than 20 gm of chocolate per day. Mind your chocolate intake if you are a coffee lover.

Is chocolate safe to eat during lactating?

A lactating mother can eat chocolates but in limited quantities. The theobromine (stimulant) and caffeine in the chocolate can pass on to the baby and make the baby stay awake for longer periods. Chocolates can cause bloating and other gastric problems in babies when consumed in excess by the mother.
Limited chocolate consumption increases milk production in nursing mothers.